What We Offer

Flower Essences
Flower Essences support us in releasing long standing patterns, behaviors, limiting beliefs, traumas, and anything that is holding us back from living fully from our true essence. They have no side effects and are easy to take. A session is approximately 60 minutes where we will explore what is present for you and what you are looking to achieve. After your session, a unique and custom formula will be created and sent to you. The formula is taken daily (typically 3 times per day) during a treatment protocol and lasts about 3-4 weeks at which time we would reassess and evaluate the shifts and determine what direction the body, mind and spirit are asking for next.

Nature Essence Sessions
Nature Essence Sessions call on the spirits of the many essences of nature, including gems, corals, mushrooms, plants, and the list goes on as abundantly as nature does. These sessions are traditionally used specifically for the physical components of “dis-ease” in the body. I have successfully used them to support clients with a variety of physical symptoms. The session begins with a consultation call where we will go over your symptoms. You will then lay down during the treatment, which lasts about 20-25 minutes. We will go over findings and how to move forward. These sessions can be performed in person or long distance.